Rules & Regulations

The STARS Foundation
Rules and Regulations


 1 .    Lessons will be scheduled according to availability.
 2 .    Lessons are available on a first-come, first-served basis with a waiting list based on financing availability. Do not come to a class unless given permission to start.
 3 .    Once registered for a class, commitment to that class is required.
 4 .    All paperwork must be completed according to STARS Foundation policies.

Building and Student Rules

 1 .    Follow instructions (Listen)
 2 .    United with the program (Practice)
 3 .    No talking and be respectful during class

These rules spell FUN! This will bring success!

 ·         Please do not come in with muddy shoes or put feet on stands and chairs.
 ·         Do not go outside the building without an adult.
 ·         Parents should remain with student during lesson/class.
 ·         Bring a spiral notebook with other materials to each lesson.
 ·         Be sure your instrument(s) are labeled with your name and that you have the correct one when you leave the building.
 ·         If you have a question for Mrs. Peterson, please write it down and place in the STARS box on the desk, located upstairs at the STARS Foundation building. You will be assisted within 24 hours.
 ·         Please help us promote STARS and encourage donations! This helps keep the Foundation operating.
 ·         Use the “Golden Rule” when in the building.
 ·         NO running!
 ·         Food and drink are not permitted within the STARS Foundation building. Water is the only exception.
 ·         Please arrive EARLY so you are prepared for the start time of your lesson.
 ·         If you are unable to attend your music lesson, please call Mrs. Peterson at 417-254-3168 to let her know.

 ·         Any items left at STARS will be in the Lost & Found box at the STARS building for one month. Unclaimed items will be donated to S.O.S. at the beginning of each month.